Topic: Triage Chair for Multi-Priority Scheduling of Patients and Development of Staff Schedule Allocation System for Crowded Health Centers
ReasonThe aim of this study is to assess variations in the causal agents and risk factors associated with potato and banana bacterial wilt. Subsequently this study will evaluate Host plants attacked and susceptibility of grown varieties
The aim of this study is to assess variations in the causal agents and risk factors associated with potato and banana bacterial wilt. Subsequently this study will evaluate Host plants attacked and susceptibility of grown varieties
The aim of this study is to assess variations in the causal agents and risk factors associated with potato and banana bacterial wilt. Subsequently this study will evaluate Host plants attacked and susceptibility of grown varieties
PHD Students
At University of Rwanda
Phone: +250783016922
Nationality: Malawi
Option: PhD in Wireless Sensor Networking
1. CHOMORA Mikeka
2. SANTHI Kumarana