ACEIoT-PhD candidates and UR-Staff attending a Joint ICTP-IAEA School on LoRa Enabled Radiation and Environmental Monitoring Sensors

A loRa network can connect a plethora of tiny battery powered LoRa sensors and devices within a reasonable distance up to 150 km with line of sight. LoRa is a recently developed long range, low (...)

The World Bank Support team visited the ACEIoT

On 2nd September 2019, a team from the World Bank led by Ruth Karimi Charo from World Bank Kenya, paid a visit to African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT). The main objective (...)

A Short Course on Rapid Prototopyng organized by the African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT)

The African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT) in collaboration with WAZIUP organized a 5 days’ training on Rapid Prototyping for Internet of Things from 23rd to 27th, 2018. at (...)

Turnitin training to improve the quality of research publications

A training for the African Center of Excellence in Internet of Things(ACEIoT) PhD students and supervisors and lecturers was organized around the use of Turnitin. This traning is hosted by (...)

Fog-centric Intelligent Video Applications powered by Deep Learning

The African center of excellence in internet of things (ACEIoT) at college of science and technology university of Rwanda organized a public talk on” Fog-centric Intelligent Video Applications (...)