DC meets for Comprehensive Examination for Doctoral Candidature for 2nd cohort of PhD students

From 16th to 17th February 2021, a virtual Doctoral Committee (DC) Meeting was held at African Centre of Excellence in Internet of Things for comprehensive Examination for Doctoral Candidature (...)

Recipients of NCST Research Grant

The National Council for Science and Technology* is launching the Research and Innovation Grants today 4 February 2021 at a special virtual event. There are 72 successful research projects (...)

Congratulations to Claudia Abineza, PhD student in IoT

Congratulations to Claudia Abineza, our PhD student in IoT- Embedded Computing Systems for her paper that emerged as the Best Student Paper presented in SOFA2020 International (...)

The Centre wins a grant to research on transport systems for women in Rwanda.

Dr. Didacienne Mukanyiligira, the Head of Masters at African Centre of Excellence in Internet of Things (ACEIoT) has won a grant to research on improving transportation systems for women in (...)

PhD students from the third cohort present their proposals to Doctoral Committee

On 13th August 2020, the third cohort of PhD students from ACEIoT held the first meeting with the Doctoral Committee for the comprehensive examination for doctoral candidature. The meeting was (...)